Event News, Benefits, Policy, Travel, Health & Security Risk, FEM Chapter Meetings , Brisbane Chapter
FEM Brisbane Chapter Meeting 06/08/2019
Please join us for the FEM Brisbane Chapter Meeting on the 6th August 2019 hosted by KPMG

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What is the recipe for a successful assignment?
In this session we want to look at what makes a successful assignment and in particular, why assignments fail and how this can be prevented.
We will discuss the key ingredients including:
- Input from the experts at International SOS on the work that they’ve done around quantifying and assessing why assignments fail, using this as a discussion piece for how we can set up assignments for success.
- Hearing from those in the room who have been the assignee and what they think their organisations did or didn’t do to set them up for success
- Undertake a spot survey and discussion on assignment preparation and planning strategies (including the adoption / uptake on cultural briefings)
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6th August 2019 from 07:30-09:30am
KPMG, Level 16, 71 Eagle St, Brisbane
•Complimentary to Corporate HR.
•£75 for global mobility suppliers, per person, assuming the supplier has a valid Supplier Membership of £365
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